Monday 4 January 2010

A2 short film 2010

After completing my final short film for my A2 coursework, i can look back on the work I collected to put together this production but also what i had gained individually from the process. Working within my group helped me improve my team working skills and being open to other ideas.Looking back on the first part of our pre production when we had to make moodboards, a pitch and script based on the colour red for our film to the end when we completed our editing and completing film reviews and posters. I Would say my skills in using software and equipment, creating using ideas a short film has developed and improved. Through different workshops , i learnt about creativity and this helped my team work and completing my film be a success. i am proud of what i have achieved at the end of completing my coursework .

for more detail and analysis read my evaluation from question 1- 4

AS opening sequence 2009