Thursday 29 October 2009

poster 1st draft

After having a class dicussion regarding our magazine reviews, there was some feedback I collected. From this feedback I learned that I needed to shrink the size of the images and focusing on adding more text onto the review. I decided it would be beneficial to create my review on Adobe Photoshop compared to the Microsoft Publisher software, as it looked more professional in this format.

Thursday 22 October 2009

the shooting schedule was used to help us plan out what order we were going to shoot and to plan our time effectively, we were able to plan over the two days of filming what shots we could get in one day and then be able to complete our other shots the next day depending on what locations would be avaible to use. although we dealt with some problems with our location being booked over when we was suppose to use it , and so we had to chnage our shooting schedule around.

this is the call sheet of all our details and the cast details , which was then handed out to all cast and crew. the need of a call sheet is for everybody in the crew to be able to make contact with the cast and vice-versa , it helps with preparation.

Tuesday 13 October 2009

Saturday 10 October 2009

Friday 9 October 2009

props list

Props list

Scene 1: petrol can
Boy’s bag
School books
Boy’s jacket

Scene 2: newspaper article

Scene 3: different costumes

Scene 4: mobile phone

Scene 5: newspaper article

Thursday 8 October 2009

poster research : batman darknight

Film posters are not only seen as advertisment for a film , but also a visual representation of the film itself. A poster shows the mood,genre,setting etc all through the layout and presentation.
Batman is not only a film that i enjoyed watching but also used it artistic posters to help audience have visualised image of film before watching it. The posters all do not all have a specific colour used although the background images, are made to to look dark and mysterious which straight away lets you know the genre of the film as maybe being action or thriller. Symbols which are used in 2 of the posters is the big,tall lit up buildings in the background , these show that the film could be set in well built up city or town , somewhere that is wealthy and populated or is not remote and far out.This image also can show the link between the film being centred around the town as well , in both posters you can see both characters either walking away or running towards the city which can show that the main focus is on the town. In both posters the figures are almost shown photgraphically opposite to one another, in the first poster the main figure is centered in the middle of the frame , his mise en scene is bright coloured clothing e.g purple jacket and green hair and he carries a gun in his hand , this all represents this character as a wild different spotanteous character through his clothing , also shows that he is violent and is one of the main characters. The fact that he is in the centre of the fame shows his imporatnce and his isolation from the city.In the second poster the main figure is all blacked out in a Cape and mask , this represents is trying to hide his identity and is wearing typical costume that a hero might wear.Although the fact that is all blacked out , is not typical image of hero and maybe shows his personality as having a darker side.

Sunday 4 October 2009

script second draft

Friday, 2 October 2009
Script - Second Draft.

The camera opens the scene with a few shots of MARIE and JOHNNY, getting a bit too intimate and slightly sexual. A sense of panic overcomes MARIE as she starts to worry about her boyfriend ALFIE.
MARIE:JOHNNY babe, we’ve got to stop now. ALFIE will kill me, and you no he will.
JOHNNY smiles and goes to kiss her neck and MARIE pushes him away.
MARIE:JOHN, honestly you know what he’s like when he loses it, I don’t know if I can deal with it anymore.
JOHNNY looks at her with a slight giggle and then realises MARIE isn’t amused. Her facial expression is worried. JOHNNY makes his way towards the door, seeming rather frustrated. He goes to open it to find it has been locked. He shakes it and tries to open, still with no luck. MARIE shoots JOHNNY an evil look as she thinks he is messing around. JOHNNY tries to open it again still with no luck. He shakes the door and then the lights trip out. (Both JOHNNY and MARIE let out screams.) You can hear the taps start to drip and the chemical trays start to shake. The sound of footsteps can be slightly heard.
JOHNNY:MARIE stop strolling around and think ok.
MARIE:Sorry I’m just trying to find another light or something.
Footsteps sounds are heard slightly again. The lights flicker and come back on. JOHNNY and MARIE look at each other with a confused look over their faces. They both start walking around the classroom in a stressed daze, looking for anything.
JOHNNY shoots MARIE an unimpressed expression and casually strolls over to where she is standing in the door way of the cupboard. He looks over her shoulder to see a can of petrol and matches lying across the floor.
JOHNNY:(Speaking to MARIE like she’s a child) We are in a science lab. Ever go through your head it’s probably one of their stupid experiments they haven’t put away properly.JOHNNY shakes his head and walks off, leaving the scene to fade out.
ALFIE is sitting on the bench looking extremely upset and mournful.
Barking Abbey School went up in flames last night after fire, took a blaze to the school science labs. Sadly, two pupils of the school’s sixth form died in the fire, yet are still unable to be identified. It is thought this fire could have been a planned arson, according to reporters on the site this morning….(Fades out).
This scene shows multiple flashbacks of JOHNNY and MARIE innocently flirting and spending time together, whilst ALFIE looks on a distance.
ALFIE and MARIE are walking across the playground together and an argument is beginning to arise.
I don’t care if all the girls are going your not. Why do you wanna go out if I’m not there anyways you no that club is always full of boys.
MARIE gives ALFIE a pleading look but he just cuts her off. There is a awkward atmosphere between them. MARIE’s phone begins to ring and she answers it. ALFIE stares at her intently.
Hey babe….. (Giggles)…yeh I’m fine… (She nervously looks at ALFIE who is staring at her) I’m just a bit busy at the moment ok babe, I’ll call you back!

ALFIE directs a questioning look at her.
Just one of the girl’s ok. (MARIE looks in her bag and realises she has forgotton something.) Babes take my bag I just gotta run back and get my book I left in class ok.
MARIE passes ALFIE her bag and runs back. Once out of sight ALFIE goes into her bag and pulls out her phone. He goes to the latest calls were he see’s the last received call was JOHNNY.
ALFIE is still sitting on the bench looking distressed now, (same as SCENE 3) and holding the picture.

script first draft


The camera opens the scene with a few shots of MARIE and JOHNNY, getting a bit too intimate and slightly sexual. A sense of panic overcomes MARIE as she starts to worry about her boyfriend ALFIE.

JOHNNY babe, we’ve got to stop now. It’s getting a bit too much. Imagine if ALFIE finds out, he’ll kill me.

JOHNNY smiles and goes to kiss her neck and MARIE pushes him away.

JOHN, honestly you don’t know what he’s like when he loses it, I don’t know if I can deal with it anymore.

Babe, stop being so worried about him all the time. The kid’s a pyhsco I don’t know why you’re even with him.

Listen, it’s not as easy looks ok. Sorry, I’ve got to go now.

JOHNNY makes his way towards the door, seeming rather frustrated. He goes to open it to find it has been locked. He shakes it and tries to open, still with no luck.

Stop messing with me JOHNNY.

JOHNNY tries to open it again still with no luck. He shakes the door and then the lights trip out. (Both JOHNNY and MARIE let out screams.) You can hear the taps start to drip and the chemical trays start to shake. The sound of footsteps can be slightly heard.

MARIE stop moving we need to think of something ok.

Sorry I’m just trying to find another light or something.

Footsteps sounds are heard slightly again.

MARIE I said stop moving for a minute ok.

JOHNNY that wasn’t me, I haven’t moved.

The lights flicker and come back on. JOHNNY and MARIE look at each other with a confused look over their faces. They both start walking around the classroom in a stressed daze, looking for anything.


JOHNNY shoots MARIE an unimpressed expression and casually strolls over to where she is standing in the door way of the cupboard. He looks over her shoulder to see a can of petrol and matches lying across the floor.

(Speaking to MARIE like she’s a child) We are in a science lab. Ever go through your head it’s probably one of their stupid experiments they haven’t put away properly.

JOHNNY shakes his head and walks off, leaving the scene to fade out.


ALFIE is sitting on the bench looking extremely upset and mournful.

Barking Abbey School went up in flames last night after fire, took a blaze to the school science labs. Sadly, two pupils of the school’s sixth form died in the fire, yet are still unable to be identified. It is thought this fire could have been a planned arson, according to reporters on the site this morning….(Fades out).


This scene shows multiple flashbacks of JOHNNY and MARIE innocently flirting and spending time together, whilst ALFIE looks on a distance.


ALFIE and MARIE are walking across the playground together and an argument is beginning to arise.

I don’t care if all the girls are going your not. Why do you wanna go out if I’m not there anyways you no that club is always full of boys.

But Alf…(He interrupts her).

Not a chance MARIE, if I can’t go nor can you.

MARIE’s phone begins to ring and she answers it.

Hey babe….. (Giggles)…yeh I’m fine…I’m just a bit busy at the moment ok babe, I’ll call you back! (Giggles and hangs up the phone).

And who was that?

Just one of the girl’s babe. (MARIE looks in her bag and realises she has forgotton something.) Ah crap! Babe take my bag I just gotta run back and get my book I left in class ok.

MARIE passes ALFIE her bag and runs back. Once out of sight ALFIE goes into her bag and pulls out her phone. He goes to the latest calls were he see’s the last received call was JOHNNY.


ALFIE is still sitting on the bench looking distressed now, (same as SCENE 3) and holding the picture.


In the pre production stage, we need to plan to fidn the right cast that would be suitable not only for our film but that would be able to potray our film well . the actors we choose as our cast must display the personalites of our characters effectively. Therefore we thought it would be best to hold auditions to find the best suited actors, and then rehearsals running up to the filming. So far, we have asked the drama teachers to make announcements to their year 13 and 12 pupils, as a maturer cast is needed for our film due to the sexual implications. They have passed on the message to let any members of our group know we need efficient, reliable and skilled students to act on Alfies, Maries and Johnny's role. We have also made announcements in the common room and put up notices on the common room notice board to both year 12 and 13 students to ask anyone if they would be interested in playing the roles.