Monday 7 December 2009

Q2. how effetive is the combination of your main product and ancilliary texts ?

Q2 How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
To be able to market our film correctly and know how to appeal to the right audience, we created a film poster and film magazine review. Our poster had to be able to share similarities with our genre of film. We carried out research on different thriller film posters to see the font, composition, colours and images they included and created a scrapbook of ideas to develop our final poster for our film. From my research I noticed that thriller film posters show almost a glimpse of the storyline including maybe the villain and the innocent characters. They also include key symbols from the film, which prepares the audience for what the storyline may be and attracts an audience further in; this is what we carried in the development of our poster. We showed the main character who is the villain in the foreground this signifies his importance and lets audience make they’re own judgements about his personality before film. We also included the setting of our film in the background, which was part of the school corridor; this relates to where the action may happen mostly in the film or just let the audience know more knowledge about the film. The font we chose to use for our film gave the sense of mystery and something dangerous, we wanted to able to draw in an audience through the tagline we created . The tagline leaves questions unanswered and plays a pun into our title for film.
The first part of your film that may be seen is the title sequence, when carrying out research on different title sequences, we realised that the title sequence is what makes your film watchable. The title sequence must reflect your films key themes or ideas whiles still maintaining an interesting concept which keeps your audience drawn or hooked into your film. When creating ideas for our title sequence we took key ideas that we had seen for other movies, such as THE WEST SIDE STORY, we used a brick wall as our background image for the title sequence this wall not only symbolized the setting of the film but also the strength and closure of the main character alfie’s personality. The font we used for the titles we wanted to keep simple and bold, as we wanted to match typical titles that your would see in a film. The camera movement was a slow zoom into the brick wall whiles moving credits would pass the camera; this created the effect of the audience moving closer towards the wall as if they were getting deeper into the film. Our final title that appears written on the wall in blood, gives the audience a sense of what may happen in the film that maybe murder may take place or something horrible may take place later on in the movie.The music we chose to include was also used towards the end of our film , it was slow paced and created a chilling spooky effect which symbolised that something dangerous or evil may happen in our film . The music chose also matched within our genre of film , when carrying out research on different thriller films , i noticed that many of them included either slow paced music or fast up tempo tracks with a strong background beat.Therefore because we included murder and jeaoulousy within our film we wanted the music and the title sequence not only to grip the audience further in but to show the loneliness of the character and the emptiness of the film.Through carrying out research into different film magazines we thought that independent critics who appeal to a wide range of audiences would work effectively in being able to promote and sell our film.Example of films independant critics has featured are saw to wallace and gromit , because our film is an independent film we thought including it into independent critics would be a good way to market our film
As Independant Critics has a wide target audience we thought this works effectively alsongside our main product. Independant Critics features a variety of different reviews, from Saw to Wallace & Gromit, therefore we are aware it is read by a wide varied audience. Therefore as an independant film we thought this would be a good idea to include our film in this magazine which would appeal towards our target audience .

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