Tuesday 8 December 2009

Q4. How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Throughout all the stages of making our final product , we used different technology to help us develop our ideas to achieve this final film. First of all to carry out our research for ideas we would include in our film , we used the internet such as different websites for example google , BBC , film sites to help us gather images , typography and look at how to market films. We also used youtube , to look at different examples of short films and what techniques could ahve been used to help put together their title sequences , one example we looked at was saul bass work for the numerous films he has been part of creating credits for such as west side story and casino.We also looked at how dialogue may have been included or kept to a minumim in some short films , we looked st films which were made independently as well. In our research youtube was very helpful in giving us easy access to different variety of choices when we it came to looking at films or research into how sound is used within a film. Microsoft powerpoint and word , was also some of the technology we used to create our poster scrapbooks, or slideshows on some of planning stages for our final film for example , our pitch and feedback. Our blogs were also a big part of the technology we used that helped us within our research and planning stages , we used the blogs to look at other ideas and formats on similar blogs. Also what techniques or what websites they used to help them find the extra parts for their film ( music , images , typography).the next stage where technology was used to help the development of our film was planning , for our storyboard we used a digitalcamera to take still shots and then upoloaded them and created a storyboard on word , we also scanned in our drawn storyboard and our individual pictures we had for ideas for our poster .
To help us with the next stage of our development of our film , we attended workshops on how camera and sound can be used in films to create an atmosphere and a mood we also learnt editing techniques which helped us in our production stage. This year we used Adobe premiere to help edit our films, this enabled us to manage it easier and to have a more wider range to add effects or incorparate other details into our film.Adobe also helped us capture our rushes from the camera onto our lacie drive and place onto a timeline.Some of the equipment we used also helped benefit us , such as the camera, this enabled the group to shoot using different range of camera angles and movement that suited the genre of our film and produced best quality.these where the basic steps we took when using
Images is not the only important part within a film , sound also has a vital role and the two must play alongside one another to produce something good , we therefore had to make sure we used different technology to help us capture and create correct sound that matched within our genre of film such as the sound boom we used to capture natural sound whiles using sound effects cd's to choose music tracks and effects to use in the background of our film in some scenes.In order for a product to have the best and most efficent quality , using a combination of new technologies can help achieve this successfully as they all help offer towards the development of our film.

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