Tuesday 17 November 2009

feedback on editing film

during whiles our group was editing we got some of the other students and teachers in our class to give us feedback on what we could improve in our film.
. The music we used at beginning of first scene should be used to fade out quietly when dialogue between characters starts and keep in the background .
. when johnny characters walking towards the classroom door in scene 1,do not use too many extra shots , just keep two man shots of him wlaking directly towards the door.
.during the flashback in scene 3, get rid of the panning shot from feet upwards of alfie character on the staircase, it takes to too long to reveal his face.
.during scene 1 , of alfie puttig key into door cut the shot in half to make shorter.
. extend last few shots scene 5, so there is constant flow like constantly thinking at the end of film.
.add in an erxplosion sound when in scene 1 lighter is used to create fire , this will create more effect and make action more significant.
.the ambulance sirens should continue on for longer period of time until in scene 2 when character sitting on bench starts tapping foot.
.Either take out in scene 1 second flirty scene or create a sound or add in another shot for character to react to .
.do not include scene 4 shots , dialogue was not entirely good in those shots and also scene 3 tells story already.
.extend music in scene 2 for much longer , because helps build up tension in the scene.
. flashback scene is really good , effects used add realism to it and music added as well addes tension.

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