Sunday 22 November 2009

title sequence research - west side story

These images are taken from the film west side story these are the closing credits , I chose this title sequence because of the similaraties it shares towards our ideas for our final title sequence. The sequence starts of with a brick wall which contains graffiti on it, the graffiti used represents towards the audience the run down setting for the film and also a reflection maybe into the characters lifes. In huge bold letters the title is almost faded on the brick wall in the back whiles each title of cast or crew appears onto the wall in different postions and different sizes. The camera is used to pan and zoom into the wall , creating this confusing effect for the audience, we liked this idea and therefore chose to use the camera slowly zooming towards our credits which created suspense and mystery. I liked this idea of using a brick wall for our title sequence as the background because it represents not only the setting for the film but almost the lifestyle of the character.The use of graffiti on the wall never appealed to me at first , but after analysing the title sequence , i felt that because our film is a thriller , we could maybe include scrambled words all over the brick wall to create confusion for the audience's perceptions but also to represent the scrabbled images or confusion that may be included in the film such as film starting from end and returning to the beginning. We also developed the idea of having main titles or credits of cast and crew appear on the wall written in red bold typography as if the main character is writing these words on the wall in blood, this idea would immediately let audience know the genre of our movie and what the story may be based around without giving away the twists and turns in the movie which meets all the conventions of a thriller which creates suspense for the audience.

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