Sunday 22 November 2009

the importance of title sequences

A title sequence is the first thing that your audience see and relate to therefore it can allow them to create their perception of the film before the actucal film starts. the first few minutes of your film can create the mood for your audience , whether it excites them or makes them feel scared , your title sequence must grip and draw your audience into knowing and wanting to watch more of your film. when producing a title sequence , creativity and thought must go into what message you want to portray through their first few minutes of your film. as some title sequences are made to match the action and almost give taster or peek at what may be included in film , some tell the story of the film and some contain almost opposite action to what may take place in the rest of your film , this can be used to confuse audience and suprise them without giving story away
A good title sequence must share many qualities such as being original in a way that it is either daring or challenging also they must tell a story no matter whether they are simple or artistically abstract.
It must also be a visually unique and show core theme of story without revealing to much.
depending on the look of your film , typography may play a big role in your title sequence, some may choose to use words and lettering to tell story of film or typography may just be used on the side as less of focus compared to the illustration.
Title sequences are the moments during watching a film , that allows the audience to create what mood they choose to share whiles watching a film , for example if a title sequence for a action/thriller is boring maybe may contain basic classical music and simple typography this will give the audience the impression that the what follows on from the title sequence may also be boring. the importance of using and displaying creative ideas is vital to creating an effective title sequence , ideas which are memorable and different may play around with audience perceptions of film , and grip them into watching more. no matter how simple title sequence may be , creativity can still be shown .

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