Sunday 29 November 2009

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Our film ‘I.C.U’ is based on the genre of thriller and mystery, throughout our film we used key themes which are typically shown in our genre of film , some of these themes are revenge , betrayal , passion , love and jealously. Throughout our film you can see the theme revenge through the main character alfie’s plotting and scheming against the relationship between Johnny and marie, this is shown from the opening shot of alfie in a classroom pouring petrol all over the room, it then later on shows in a series of flashbacks of alfie watching Johnny and marie whiles continuously planning his revenge. Another one of our themes passion and love is shown in our film through the body language of Johnny and Marie characters, throughout our film the audience is able to see the relationship the characters share through their flirting with one another. Our film follows the conventions of a typical thriller film it does this through, showing small parts of the storyline and later then adding in twist which creates suspense, also through our characters such as having a typical villain who is evil and shares a lot of hatred, also innocent characters who are unaware of their fate later on in the film. example of this can be shown through the emotion and feelings the main character alfie shows towards the other characters Johnny and maries relationship, he feels betrayed , a similarity within the film (obsessed shows where a couple’s relationship is threatened by the jealously of a co –worker this later then leads to murder.)
our sound we chose to use also showed the codes and conventions of a thriller teen movie , we included a slow paced music track during the first scene , although it included int he background a small hint of a drum being played , this built up tension and gripped the audience into the film straight away throughout the scene and added suspense and mystery.
some of the ways our film challenged the typical codes and conventions of our genre of ahve film , was the fact that we included a romantic aspect into a thriller film, not many films have main storylines are based on a love triangle we were able to show this in our film through the different camera shots and body language of johnny and marie which reprsented their relationship with one another , this is also seen int he tv series gossip girl where one of the main charcters blair is secretly falling in love with another man whils still having a boyfriend which leads to jealously and betrayal.Our media product was able to develop conventions of a typical thriller film ,as seen in short films that share simialr genre of film , there is always a psycho who is used in films such as “Scream”, “Waz” and even the character Sam in Kidult/Adulthood. Marie's character is also stereo typically shown as the innocent damsel in distress , her charcter is not soemthign that would be typically shown as the main focus in a thriller film , this can show how our media product challenged typical stereotype of a female character.
the setting we used in our short film helped create the atmospehere for a thriller film , we used dark or abandon school corridors and made use of science classrooms to fit in within our storyline of a accident happening in a school , although we challenged the codes and conventions through shooting some of our scenes during daylight ,this is not typically seen in thriller films , especially the scene's which are dramtaic and build up tension for example seen in movies such as 'prom night and dark knight'

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