Thursday 24 September 2009


Cinematography is the art of positioning a camera and lighting a scene.Its like using different components like ur camera and lighting to dress up your film. a cinematogrpaher's role is just as important as the director's , because they have the responsbility of being able to portray what their idea of their film is , and allowing the audience to visualise this idea themselves.after watching the masterclass of christopher doyle and cinematrography , i was able to learn that it is about being able to translate ideas into images , that in the space of time you are given to display your film , every scene or every shot must show all the ideas you are trying to portray in your film , it must express the mood and feeling our your film . in the clip he talked about how taking a simple setting ( the rundown wall and house)and looking at that specific place or object and thinking about what message it sent , what feeling it created , how it would work in ur film and it made me think of even though we may be using a simple setting as a science classroom how we were going to use camera angles and movement combined with lighting to create that mood of suspense or thriller it would almost like being in the room with those characters watching them experiencing what they are feeling, when they are panicking or scared. further on in the clip he talks about a certain area which is full of ambient light which almost brings the street to life andn gives it a certain energy, and how colour can suggest a certain emotion , i linked this into our film and our theme colour of red , the colour red is vast and is such a open colour , there are so many emotions and themes you can link to the colour red but we chose to show the more darker side of red , with the betrayal and secret love or lust also with the revenge and murder, and thats why we talked of how we make our film portray darkeness , and love and aspects a psychological thriller would show, but not deep enough to make it come across as horror , we would use darker lighting and black and white effects Krzysztof Kieslowski says of his film making that it is interesting but hard work. In his trio of scenes, “Three Colours” he uses a key element in each to keep the scenes connected. the lighting we would choose to use would show the emotion of our film.Kieslowski also uses close ups frequently in his work to show the action through the characters eyes. The close up shows what they are concentrating on and what within the scene is important to them.We could use this technique in our film to show the main focuses of Alfie’s world which can also show his revenge.The close up excludes everything surrounding in the scene and brings us into the characters world as we see things from their only their perspective.

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