Thursday 24 September 2009

writing short films

over the years short-films have become a new style and a very effective one infact it has made way for new directors such as shane meadows and Lynne Ramsey .
One of the features of short film making in the UK has been the steady rise of story-driven narratives, and the increasing attention placed on the screenplay. At the heart of all the short films in this collection is a character's story, which is first fully realised in a screenplay.
i noted some basic tips to consider when writing or creating a short film, there are six questions you should keep in mind.
Who is the protagonist?
•What is the active question, which is the basis of the action in film?
•Who or what opposes the protagonist?
•From whose point of view is the audience being shown the story?
•What is it about? or, What is the theme?
•What is the style of the film?
estions that should be kept in mind

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