Wednesday 23 September 2009


I was looking through a site for short films and came across this one which was trying to send a message through the film. after watching the clip twice , it helped give me inspiration on the techniques used and the effect it left the audience with at the end. I noticed that the film alomost made it obivous what the outcome would be but still left suspense on how it would happen and why , it showed events that built up to the final event. This is similar in our story when certain events build up the tension of what may happen until the event takes place , although ours differs by adding in the flashback to show why the final event took place. The technique that i was impressed mostly by that was used in the film was the use of voiceovers this was used at different timed intervals during the film, the voiceovers did not match what was taking place on the screen at the time but almost told u a part of the story without giving it away . i also noticed how every voiceover that was played was said by different characters who would then appear next in the film , as if the voiceover was used as an introduction to the character and the relationship they shared with the main character. this technique gave me few more ideas on how we were going to add maybe a voiceover or newsreport style into our story which would also tell a part of the story and be introduction into our next part of our story.

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