Wednesday 23 September 2009

short films ( this is link because couldnt find html for it )

i took this short film called almost strangers from the bbc film network site , which had plently of short films that had different genre's. the films title captured me to watch it and when i did i was mostly impressed with the way the director created and used such smart and effective ways of shooting whiles tryin to tell a story. It was one of those films that was showing what happened over a short period of time, well one whole night and how four complete strangers showed different aspects of their lifes. the clip starts of from saturday morning when four people are on a train and then rewinds at a fast pace back to friday evening, this was the first technique i thought created an effect and showed how the time frame was changing , it was almost as if to show where the story ended and then to rewind to show how the story got to that final point, which kind of gave me ideas for when we would come to filming our story. we wanted to include a flashback towards the end of story to show and explain how our story kind of ended at the final point , and i thought of this rewind effect and how maybe we could try and use it when it came to filming . also i noticed in this short film that everytime the time changed , there would be bold text that would appear on the screen to let the audience know what time the scene was taking place at, which i thought was smart and we could use in our story for when our story skips forward to the next day after marie and johnny were trapped in science lab, this technique is common and simple but was useful in this sort of film where time frame was changing all the time. the technique that i think would most useful to our story was during each scene which was showing a aspect of each different characters life , the scene would only show a bit of action for a few seconds and then move onto a different character and what they were doing at that same time and then come back to where it had been left of with the previous character. this form of editing used would be useful for our story when we are showing events during our flashback , almost as the different scene's we would show of alfie watching marie and johnny would skip from one to another and only show brief seconds of each. the end of this short film then skipped back to the present which was the saturday morning on the train , and this helped audience understand why each character was on that train , gave insight into their personalites and explained the story well.

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