Thursday 24 September 2009

collage of the world of my film

we created this moodboard/collage of loads of cutouts and different texts that we thought represent and showed how our film should be shown or portrayed , we looked at each character and their persoanlities and their likes and their look , for example at the top we took of cheryl cole who not only represents a pretty young female like our character marie but also because she was cheated on and betrayed whish is seen in alfies character , it also relates to the love affair in our story. we used lots of bold text from magazines and newspapers that quoted words like : heartbreak, secret,love , attraction not only did these words link in with our theme colour of red but where words that explained what the story line was about and contained. we see it as an love affair between marie and johnny that is a kept secret but causes heartbreak towards one of the characters ( alfie) , we wanted the audience to know what our film is going to be about ( love affair, betrayal) through the words we used. we also chose pictures of certain objects (props) that will be in the film that play key role like maries bag and her phone where the message is shown which alfie then sees and get jealous.there where many pictures included of couples , some looking in love and happy together which represented the affair and relationship between johnny and marie , and let audience know they're is a love aspect into the film not just all thriller, but we also showed happy families which portrayed the idea or fantasy marie wanted to have in the future and this said more about her background and kind of character she is (likes to feel secure and wants to be happy).we also showed pictures of couples who may have been arguing or upset to represent marie and alfie's relation which is contrast to relationship marie shares with johnny. to represent alfie's character we included a picture of chris brown ( been recently in media for abuse to girlfriend) and included words of abuse and other words around to show the different aspects we are including in our film to not make it seem like a typical love story.our moodboard was used to show our world of our film , through the characters : creating looks and personalities and interests of each character allows us to see the motivation and reasons for their actions in our story , and when the audience are able to understand the characters they are able to understand and visualise the storyline , i feel our story is more based aroudn the characters , who they are and why they have done this throughout the story. We included a bottle of alcohol to show alfies past with hsi father , the kind of background and home he came from and give an deeper insight into why he is so obessive and over-protective now.The voodoo doll is sometimes seen as a typical prop in a thriller/horror genre and also the image of fire suggests our colour and also our key theme in the story.we also included images of taylor swift looking dressed up in ball gowns and thought that this coudl represent marie's interest in fashion whiles in contrast the picture of lap dancing would show johnny's flirtatious side and womanising side.
we wanted out film to be suspenseful and have a thriller theme , it was able to draw the audience in and keep them guessing , slowly building up to the main plot twist ,almost letting the audience get drawn into the action taking place and we thought of albert hitchock style of film and so thats why we included him .Alfred Hitchcock is probably a big inspiration to the world of our film as his movies focused on the thriller genre. He uses pace to build suspense such as the “Physco” shower scene, and we feel pace could help us create suspense and tension in the audience in our film.

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